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pigeon health and problems

All information provided is for your guidance only. You must seek professional advice
from a vet when diagnosing any disease or illness in your birds.

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In mild infestations clinical signs may not be obvious.  Weight gain in young birds may be adversely affected and in more severe infestations diarrhoea, depression and loss of condition, even emaciation, may be obvious, as may anaemia.
During the period between the onset of symptoms and death (lasting from 3 days to 1 week), the following symptoms are observed: lack of activity, puffed-up plumage, refusal of feed, swelling of the crop, weight loss, greenish-yellow faeces in puddles, vomiting.
Cheesy yellow deposits are seen on the membranes of the pharynx at the back of the mouth.  Can affect food intake and also breathing.  Severely affected birds are depressed, food intake is reduced. Affected birds may have diarrhoea.  Water intake may increase.

In young birds and adults under stress an acute form of the disease may be seen.  The organism affects the lining of the gut causing diarrhoea and blood may be present.  Affected birds are depressed, rapidly become emaciated and may die.
( an associated E-coli)
The main symptoms are thirst, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea. The condition is getting worse and leads to strong loss of weight. The disease spreads over the loft rapidly. Within 48 hours all pigeons might be infected, this would be a classic Adeno virus infection.
Ornithosis lives within and destroys body cells like a virus. Clinical signs vary from poor performance to an acute disease causing a marked conjunctivitis, decreased appetite, respiratory disease, diarrhoea and death.  The acute form is particularly prevalent in young birds and older birds under stress
(or infections of the
upper respiratory tract)
In the beginning the pigeons are not very ill but symptoms range from bad performance, sneezing, filthy noses, open beak, rattling, eye infections and festering nose flow. In some cases you can see a big head (feathers around the ears are standing up).
The dry feather means that there is less streamlining (over the body and wing) and more drag causing less efficient flight. The dry feather is brittle and lacks the strength of the silky feather. Dry feathers lack the waterproofing qualities of the oil laden silky feather and flying therefore becomes more difficult in wet weather.
Young birds can be affected from crop milk or affected faeces.  Salmonellae most commonly affect the intestinal tract.  Affected birds have enteritis which may be blood stained, they are depressed, rapidly become dehydrated and emaciated and death quickly follows if they are not treated.  It is possible for Salmonellae to enter the blood stream and a generalised infection will result.
Ticks are visible to the naked eye.  Mites are very small and can rarely be seen by the naked eye.  Lice are just visible to the naked eye. The red mite spends it days in the crevices of the pigeon loft only visiting the pigeon at night to feed. Symptons can be anaemia or reduced performance and agitation. Regular inspection should be taken to identify the presence of external parasites.
Pigeon pox is caused by a virus infecting the bare skin around the eyes, on the beak, on the feet and internally within the mouth and throat area.  On occasions infection of a wound on a feathered area of the body can occur.
( Avian Flu )
Throat is parched, difficulty in breathing, have fever or just look sick it could be pneumonia. Be sure to keep drafts away from them and keep the area warm.
Pigeon will drink large amounts of water because of nausea. Vomiting of sour water and grain.
The clinical presence of catarrh together with respiratory sounds are highly suggestive of this condition.  Reduced performance in an otherwise healthy bird may also suggest that Mycoplasma is present. The disease appears to lower the bird’s resistant to other disease and chronic infection can markedly affect performance due to respiratory problems. 
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