Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

What pigeons carry

What pigeons carry
Pigeons carry mycotic, (airborne) diseases. They carry bacterial, and protozoan diseases. They carry various worms which live in their feces. They have fleas which carry disease.

In short, they are living biological warfare vectors.

Some people keep pigeons and 'never got sick'. They may be carriers of the diseases as well. They may not know that what has been diagnosed as this or that and treated was gotten via their pigeons.

Pigeons walk in their own feces. They walk back and forth then perch on your window sill, or patio furniture. You touch it. You may be now be infected.
Aspergillosis is probably the most well known air borne disease. It is caused by a fungi which lives saprophytically in pigeon feces. You don't have to touch the feces. Breathing it in is enough.

This disease poisons the victim’s blood. It causes death.

Cryptococcosis infects the brain. It is caused by a yeast carried in the intestinal tract of pigeons and deposited in their feces. As pigeon coops are full of this yeast, inhalation is likely.

Histoplasmosis is so powerful, and so difficult to detect it was once considered as a biological warfare agent. It is a pulmonary disease but extends to the liver, lymph nodes, and spleen. The organism may disseminate to the blood and bone marrow and is fatal.

Of all the disease this one is most often mistaken for ‘flu’ and treated as such.
This is why so many people die of it.
Erysipeloid most often starts with a cut. You don't know where you got the cut. It hurts. You have the sensation of burning, throbbing pain, and intense itching. You treat it with whatever you have at home. It does not get better.

Listeriosis is especially dangerous for pregnant women. It may cause abortions, premature delivery, stillbirths, and death.

Again, one attributes the results to other causes, not to pigeons.

Pasteurella multicida is spread via pigeon droppings or their nasal discharge. The organism can live a month in pigeon manure or three months in a dead pigeon.

Even dead pigeons carry diseases, so dispose of them as haz mat.

Salmonellosis is more than food poisoning. Gastroenteritis is the most common manifestation. Pigeons spread salmonellae as the bacteria are left wherever the pigeons defecate. As pigeons walk back and forth through their mess, they carry the bacteria on their feet.

Many people, especially children get gastoenteritis and do not connect the fact that there were pigeons in the sandbox, perching on those bars the child was touching.

One of the scariest is Yersiniosis. It is a plague-like disease and indistinguishable from appendicitis. Many unnecessary appendectomies are performed. A perfectly healthy appendix is removed, and the patient doesn't get better.

This disease can be transmitted by pigeon feces, there eggs, or their ticks.

Toxoplasmosis is attracted to brain tissue. It can cause mental retardation and death. Pigeons frequently transmit toxoplasmosis through fecal contamination, respiratory droplets, eye secretions, contact with infected tissue, or through ectoparasites.

It destroys the brain.

Chlamydiosis is another disease which imitates the flu. There is a repiratory infection with high fever, severe headache, and generalized aches and pains.

The disease can be transmitted by infected ticks, ingestion, or by inhalation of dust contaminated with the organism.
There are parasitic worms which live in Pigeon feces.

Schistosomiasis, one of the most prevalent diseases throughout the world, is caused by a water-borne trematode and pigeons are responsible.

Called bilharzia, bilharziosis or snail fever, although having a low mortality rate, schistosomiasis often is a chronic illness that can damage internal organs and, in children, impair growth and cognitive development.

It is the second most socioeconomically devastating parasitic disease after malaria. Pigeons eat the snails that carry this disease and bring it from one body of water to another.
The dangers of keeping pigeons
What makes keeping pigeons so dangerous is that all the diseases they carry mimic more 'popular' maladies. Unless the physician is specifically informed that the patient keeps pigeons, and directs his or her mind to the dangers thereof, (and many are not particularly aware of pigeon borne diseases), the wrong treatment is dispensed. It may only be at autopsy where the actual cause be determined.

If you are keeping or thinking of keeping pigeons, sewer rats and rattlesnakes are safer.
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In young birds and adults under stress an acute form of the disease may be seen.  The organism affects the lining of the gut causing diarrhoea and blood may be present.  Affected birds are depressed, rapidly become emaciated and may die.
( an associated E-coli)
The main symptoms are thirst, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea. The condition is getting worse and leads to strong loss of weight. The disease spreads over the loft rapidly. Within 48 hours all pigeons might be infected, this would be a classic Adeno virus infection.
Ornithosis lives within and destroys body cells like a virus. Clinical signs vary from poor performance to an acute disease causing a marked conjunctivitis, decreased appetite, respiratory disease, diarrhoea and death.  The acute form is particularly prevalent in young birds and older birds under stress
(or infections of the
upper respiratory tract)
In the beginning the pigeons are not very ill but symptoms range from bad performance, sneezing, filthy noses, open beak, rattling, eye infections and festering nose flow. In some cases you can see a big head (feathers around the ears are standing up).
The dry feather means that there is less streamlining (over the body and wing) and more drag causing less efficient flight. The dry feather is brittle and lacks the strength of the silky feather. Dry feathers lack the waterproofing qualities of the oil laden silky feather and flying therefore becomes more difficult in wet weather.
Young birds can be affected from crop milk or affected faeces.  Salmonellae most commonly affect the intestinal tract.  Affected birds have enteritis which may be blood stained, they are depressed, rapidly become dehydrated and emaciated and death quickly follows if they are not treated.  It is possible for Salmonellae to enter the blood stream and a generalised infection will result.
Ticks are visible to the naked eye.  Mites are very small and can rarely be seen by the naked eye.  Lice are just visible to the naked eye. The red mite spends it days in the crevices of the pigeon loft only visiting the pigeon at night to feed. Symptons can be anaemia or reduced performance and agitation. Regular inspection should be taken to identify the presence of external parasites.
Pigeon pox is caused by a virus infecting the bare skin around the eyes, on the beak, on the feet and internally within the mouth and throat area.  On occasions infection of a wound on a feathered area of the body can occur.
( Avian Flu )
Throat is parched, difficulty in breathing, have fever or just look sick it could be pneumonia. Be sure to keep drafts away from them and keep the area warm.
Pigeon will drink large amounts of water because of nausea. Vomiting of sour water and grain.
The clinical presence of catarrh together with respiratory sounds are highly suggestive of this condition.  Reduced performance in an otherwise healthy bird may also suggest that Mycoplasma is present. The disease appears to lower the bird’s resistant to other disease and chronic infection can markedly affect performance due to respiratory problems. 
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