Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

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Pigeon farming :

Pigeons have a small head and a plump, compact body shape. Full breasted appearance is usually
 attributed to their well developed pectoral muscles. Plumage is dense and soft. Sexes may be
distinguished by aggressive behavior, coarser appearance and selectively large size in case of
male. Mature birds may weight from about 0.5 to nearly 1 kg some large breeds may even weigh up to
 1.4 kg. Pigeons are hardy birds, naturally pre-adapted to varied agro climatic conditions from temperate
and tropical zones. Pigeons have been raised for centuries on husbandry system that allow free-ranging
 flights for obtaining food. They may often range over many square kilometers to locate seeds and edible
 scraps. Crops act as an efficient storage organ for storage of food and their food intake is always
higher then allowed by their rate of digestion.


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