Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

Recognize A Healthy Budgie

Recognize A Healthy Budgie
Whether you are looking to buy a budgie, already have a budgie or even own multiple budgies, health is of utmost importance. A budgie can go downhill really quickly if it gets ill, so it is really important to know what a healthy budgie looks like and to watch for any signs that may be pointing to the bird being slightly unwell or even very ill.

A healthy budgerigar is easily seen by it being active and chirpy, with bright, clear eyes and well preened feathers. He (or she) will also have a healthy appetite, so always check to see that the bird is eating and drinking well. The bird should also have a clean vent, with no fecal matter (poop) sticking to it and his breathing should be quick and quiet.

Now that we've determined what a healthy budgerigar should be like, let's see what signs there are that your budgie might be feeling under the weather or unwell.

Your bird may become unusually quiet, sit fluffed up at the bottom of the cage, stop eating and drinking. Its eyes could become sore, his feet can get swollen. The breathing could become noisy and seem like it's a lot of hard work for the budgie. It could develop a visible lump (possible tumour), or it's legs and beak could get crusty and sore (possible scaly face).

Other things to watch for are scruffy looking feathers, major loss of feathers or a dirty vent. Do note that budgies are very good at hiding illness so they really need to be watched closely.

If you should at any time find that your bird is exhibiting symptoms like this, please always try to get advice from an avian vet if possible, or even a breeder if you can find one as they will usually be able to help you decide which steps to take to help get the bird better again.


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