Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

National Pigeon Appreciation Day Celebrations for more info click inside

National Pigeon Appreciation Day Celebrations

Today’s the day. National Pigeon Appreciation Day. Genius. Pigeons everywhere are partying, and partying hard, and it’s only just got started.Here’s the piece I did on it for the Time Out blog this morning.
I went down to Trafalgar Square for the kick off at 3. Even by the time I got there, everywhere you looked there were pigeons dancing their tits off:
The atmosphere was electric.
Even Clubfoot Earl was giving it a go. Fair play:
Everyone looked like they were having a great time, then I discovered why. A puddle, with beer. Fuckin’ A. Not sure what it was, but judging by the kick, I reckon it was easily over 5%:
Fat Nige was twatted. Apparently he was the one who discovered the beer, so he just sat in the middle of it getting slowly wankered one sip at a time. Probably won’t move for the duration.
Then the fly-by happened led by Roger from Lewisham, and the whole Square went wild:
So, it’s all on. I’m off to Soho Square now to join the celebrations there. Anyone around who fancies coming down, do.
Watch this space tomorrow for an update on what I’m sure will be utter carnage. Not sure what time as I’m planning on going as large as I possibly can. Bring it on.


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