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Pigeons Protest In Stratford for more info click inside

Pigeons Protest In Stratford

There were angry scenes outside Stratford Station on Saturday as hundreds of pigeons, made homeless by the Olympic Park, took to the pavements in protest at what they say is a total lack of consideration for the local pigeon population.
I went down to investigate and was met by this lot chanting, “1,2,3,4. We are the pigeons you can’t ignore.”:
Emotional stuff, and they weren’t wrong:
Apparently some of them had been sitting there all night refusing to move:
They do have a point to to make though.
Earlier on I got to speak to one of the organisers, Gary:
“I was born and bred in the East End. Been here all my life. Knew the Krays and everything, and now this.” He said. “It’s not on and something’s got to be done. First they toss us out of our homes, and now there’s no food and nowhere to go when it rains.”
I asked him what it had been like when the games were on.
“Yeah. It was alright. Loads of people. Loads. Food everywhere, but not now. Never seen it so bad. Totally empty. Couple of mates suggested moving into Westfield Shopping Center. Could work. These are desperate times.”
By the end of the day, largely due to the heat and levels of frustration, tempers flared resulting in a massive fly-by over Stratford station. Shit flying everywhere.
Clearly no-one bothered to consider the pigeons of Stratford in their legacy plans.
Personally, I think the council should build them one of these:
Surely it’s the least they can do?
There must be room on the Olympic Park somewhere? A quiet corner where a hot dog stand used to be, perhaps?
In the meantime, if you’re over Stratford way and you see a load of pigeons outside the station, just spare a moment and listen to what they have to say, or just chuck them some bread. Either way, they’ll be happy you cared.


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