Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

The best care and treatement for our fancy pigeons! for more info click inside

The best care and treatement for our fancy pigeons!

Proper daily care with the best nutrition is wanted if you want to be successful in the pigeon world. Proper nutrition and care result in strong and vital animals. It prevents us from a lot of diseases and problems.
Not properly feeding is one of the biggest mistakes that breeders can make. The secret of many top breeders often lies in how they feed their animals. As a reputable breeder, I would like to share you my experiences and views on nutrition and care.
Today, it’s possible to choose through a variety of brands and numerous types of food. Fortunately most brands have separate production lines designed fancy pigeons.
In the long search for the right food, I ended up with NATURAL of Belgium. In former times, I learned NATURAL during my contacts with many racing pigeon fanciers. Remember that the Belgian racing pigeon is well known over the whole world. It’s deep in my mind, that when I met them, they were always proud of their products of NATURAL. They automatically putted their thumbs upwards.

It’s a fact that the fancy pigeon breeders can still learn much from racing pigeon breeders. Remember that many things that are good for racing pigeons are in most cases also good for our fancy pigeons. It is also true that many breeds of fancy pigeons (e.g. pouters) in terms of nutrition are a lot more demanding then racing pigeons.
NATURAL is deeply involved with the racing pigeon sport. In addition to producing great food and products, NATURAL also exploited "the breeding station".

Here, NATURAL successfully breeds thousands of young racing pigeons that are sold at friendly prices around the world. All visitors of this breeding station remark easily the fact that all pigeons have an outstanding condition and health. This can according to experts only be achieved by giving the appropriate nutrition and care. This proofs the effect and quality of NATURAL and its products.
In the breeding station, there are also fancy pigeons housed. Thanks to their presence NATURAL could design three types of feeders for fancy pigeons with extra quality. These feeders have in common that they exists of only small grains, legumes (corn, peas, etc) and seeds are provided. That’s why pigeons are very happy to eat it. They are the ideal feeders to provide to pouters. Croppers and pouters can much more easily feed the smaller grains to their young pigeons!


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