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Classifying Injuries inRacing Pigeons for more info click inside

Classifying Injuries in Racing Pigeons
Classifying Injuries inRacing Pigeons
This section covers injuries to birds. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of racing and training that our birds covering the distance that they do will incur injuries. We have to remember that we manage a stable of race animals and we have to consider many things, injuries being one of them. This is not intended to be the 101 on how to provide medical care for all injuries.   
Some injuries are repairable, some are not. Some a bird can come back from and perform 100%, others they can not. Some will end a racing career but will allow for a bird to perform in the stockloft, some will not. We have to take these into consideration when we evaluate injuries.
Pigeonsare remarkable healers. It almost at times seems that they have been granted a special gift for being healed from major injuries. There have been birds that have come home with gun shot wounds or nearly mortal wounded by hawks. I have saved a few directly from the clutches of the hawk. The hawk flew away to come prey on my birds another day and the bird ended up surviving, always remarkably to my astonishment.

Read More http://www.pigeonracingpigeon.com/whats-new/classifying-injuries-in-racing-pigeons/


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