Which sites are the best for pigeons?(multiple choices available)

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pigeonbreeding :

One of the essentials of success in squab’s production is good breeding stock. Pigeon breeds at 5-8 months of age laying two eggs each nesting, both the parents sharing the incubation till the egg hatch in 16-18 days. Good breeding stock usually will produce for 3 to 4 years. Culling is essential in building up a profitable flock of squab producers. Selection of pigeon can be done on the basis of good laying capacity, which produced good squab weight, livability and market quality. The first cross of two breed selected and the breed for squab production usually produces a very good market squab. Sexual maturity is attained at about 6 to 7 months of age when the pigeons begin to mate. Breeding season is usually long and may continue all the year round. In the prime life (3-6 years) pigeons produce about 5-8 squabs per year. Breeders need to be replaced after 4-5 years. Pigeons are usually reared in any water proof house that is easy to clean. The traditional pigeon shelters (devecotes) consist of columns of pigeon. Tower of mud, brick, stones or wood, which provides protection form predators are also popular for keeping these birds.


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